Avoid these probiotics if you are bloated!

Choosing the right probiotics for your digestive problems


In my last few blogs I discussed several causes of bloating and digestive discomfort.

Now I want to help you out with a very popular topic: which probiotics to choose to help with your bloating and digestive issues.

The topic of probiotics is certainly confusing, and there are a lot of different probiotic supplements and brands out there.

With any supplement, it is CRUCIAL to know why you are using it and what you want to achieve. Different strains of probiotics do different things in your body, and just purchasing a broad-spectrum probiotic off the shelf is not necessarily the most effective strategy.

As bloating can have so many different causes ranging from low stomach acid to poor bile flow or bacterial overgrowth, a probiotic is not necessarily going to target all of these causes. Hence why I work and assess your digestive system with a north-to-south strategy to really identify why you are bloated and your bowel movements not optimal.

Some conditions like small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) can certainly get WORSE if you start using the wrong probiotics or fermented foods.

So, today I will talk about two safe probiotics that can be used even if you have an overgrowth of yeast/Candida or SIBO, and you can also use them along with antibiotics if your doctor has put you on a course.

1. Saccharomyces boulardii

This is a beneficial yeast that has been shown to help with SIBO, Candida, Blastocystis hominis, Clostridium, IBS, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. It is also a great one to take when you have to take antibiotics, as a yeast it won’t be affected by the antibiotic.

2. Spore based probiotics like Megasporebiotic

These are set up to recondition the gut microbiome. Initially these often have to be taken very slowly and on a low dose but can then really help with gut health even with SIBO. If you don’t feel well using a probiotic, then stop and get help.

Remember, probiotics are only one step towards reducing your bloat and healing your gut. So if you don’t see improvement, that’s not because the probiotics are not working it is because they are not addressing the deeper causes of your symptoms or at least not fully.

xxx Aline


p.s. I work 1:1 with women who want to ditch bloating and have better poops.

My Gut Repair Method will take you on a 90-day journey towards ditching the bloat and fitting into your favourite jeans.

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Health, from Cell to Soul.


Gut HealthAline McCarthy