So what makes Young Living so different to the other oils out there? 

Let’s skip the hype and look at the cold hard facts.


  • 20 (!!!) SCIENTIFIC QUALITY TESTS EACH OIL (OTHER COMPANIES DO MAX 7-8 TESTS OR LESS). Young Living oils are tested 20 times in triplicate and at different stages of the process. They also have the largest research data library (over 25 years old) for which to be accurate when testing oils.

  • 6 INDEPENDENT THIRD PARTY TESTS WITH INTERNATIONALLY REPUTABLE LABS: Each oil is independently 3rd party tested by CNRS in France (known to be the most experienced Essential oil lab in the world) and also tested by the same forensic labs that Scot-land yard and the FBI use. Other companies either don’t third party test or they use a facility that is well known NOT to be independent and has very little experience in testing.

  • FARM OWNERSHIP OR EXCLUSIVE PARTNERSHIP WITH FULL CONTROL FROM SEED TO SEAL (EVERYBODY ELSE BUYS FROM SOMEONE ELSES FARM OR A BROKER AND REBOTTLES). Young Living prides itself on being an Essential Oil company that is not simply a ‘re-bottler’ of oils. RE-BOTTLING is what every other company does. Young Living oils are potent because they use 1st Distillation only. This means that their oils are not re-distilled or fractionated like most other brands and all of the volatile oil molecules present in the plant will be present in the oil. FRACTIONATING is a very common practice in the aromatherapy industry. For this reason they do not have an expiry date like most other brands. Young Living grow plants from seed where they grow best. Planting at the right altitude, in the right climate in rich organic soil without any chemicals or pesticides to ensure that the plant has a maximum therapeutic profile even before it is distilled. When it comes time to harvest, they will be testing a plant every two hours with micro samples, to assess the level of plant actives, so that they harvest at the absolute most active time of the plant, resulting in the highest ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) scores possible. With that testing commitment, you can smell the difference on the nose. Absolute purity and potency.

  • THE ONLY COMPANY WHO OWNS DISTILLERIES AND FRESHLY DISTILLS ON SITE. Young Living use cutting edge and proprietary technologies in their distilleries, which support their low-pressure promise, low temperature extraction and longer distillation methods.
    Having a distillery in close proximity to their farms sees Young Living harness ‘fresh’ plants that do not travel miles.

  • FAMILY RUN COMPANY. Young Living is a ‘people before profits company ’they will not sell any oil that does not live up to the strict standards. They refuse batches of oils all the time as they don’t meet their strict standards or they may be “pure” but don’t contain the all the required molecules to have a deep therapeutic action. Its the only company where the most popular essential oils will be ‘out of stock’ , sometimes for many many years, until they plants can be grown sustainably, and all boxes for quality are ticked. They will not crumble to market pressure and demand. Young Living is still today a privately run business with family values at its core which is most unusual for an MLM Company. (other MLM companies are run by big industry conglomerates who operate on the stock market - well for profit only).



  • What makes Young Living different is that they strive to make plants and people the centre of their every process.Instead of simply outsourcing, Young Living go that extra mile and have spent 25 years researching, innovating, planting and ethically sourcing plant materials for their products as well as building schools, villages and re-establishing forests throughout the world.

  • hey are stewards of the land and have been reviving ancient farming practices through farm ownership, exclusive partnerships with farmers and having seed to seal certified farms all over the world.

    These strict ‘Seed to Seal’ guidelines ensure that farmers respect the earth’s delicate eco system by resting the soil and not over producing just because of market demand.

    This is particularly important in those developing nations that are in need of long-term solutions rather than short-term gains. For an industry that has an expected growth of 13 billion US dollars by the year 2024 we are so grateful that Young Living has the history, heart and foresight to invest in sustainable infrastructure that does not cost the earth.

  • It is a sad fact that there are no industry strict guidelines when it comes to growing and distilling plants for essential oils. The lack of regulation, policy and stringent guidelines within the industry and from governments is leading to the endangerment of some botanicals to the unsuspecting consumer.

    This is a company with Heart and every product is made for the purpose of greater health.

  • Young Living are a ‘Farmers First ‘company committed to looking out for the welfare of farmers by securing them decent wages irrespective of crop yield and building schools for their children.

  • Young Living is known as the GOLD standard when it comes to seed identification, soil preparation, plant growing, harvesting and distilling.

    Young Living standards and their binding contracts with farmers are closely regulated and adhered to.

    As mentioned previously Young Living own farms, have exclusive partnerships with farmers and have seed to seal certified farms across the globe.

  • The farms are hand weeded, with no herbicide or pesticide usage and oils are distilled on site or very close by.

  • The fields are always rested before replanting and trees that are tapped must adhere to a strict ‘rest’ period. This is so important and not a well known fact. In countries such as Somalia and India the Frankincense and Sandalwood trees respectively are in danger of extinction, likewise, plants such as Helicrysium and Elemi have both been endangered from ‘wild harvesting’ until Young Living established farms and partnerships in Croatia and the Philippines.

    Young Living is the only essential Oil company granted permission by the Oman government to harvest the Boswelia Sacra (Sacred Frankincense) in their country.

  • Water waste from Young Living distilleries is properly treated, recycled and disposed of in accordance with the law of the country in which the plants are being grown, harvested and distilled.

  • They have had 25 years to steadily grow and establish sustainable partnerships and practices, and are held in high regard with all they conduct business with.

  • They have pledged to go ZERO WASTE within 5 years - we are already a year into this pledge and massive steps have been taken already to reduce waste on all levels.


  • As a Young Living member you will have many an opportunity to visit a Young Living Farm and even par take in harvesting and planting. I have personally met the farmers and seen farms here in Australia.

    Each bottle of essential oil has a batch number that can be tracked. The distilleries are open to members so that you can read any data reports such as Gas chromatography–massspectrometry (GC-MS which identifies and quantifiescomplex mixtures and compounds found in the oil) and see the processing of plants from distillation to sealing the bottles.

  • Young Living are members of the Direct selling Association. The strict criteria involved in becoming a member of the D.S.A reassures our customers that Young Living is a legitimate business whom abides by the Direct Selling code of practice and ALL government laws. Competing brands are NOT members.

  • Young Living have a dedicated FDA approved product line of oils solely for ingesting and this is soon to also be the case in Australia with TGA.

  • Young Living’s essential oil infused products are rated very low on the EWG website.

  • Young Living’s essential oil infused products are incredibly concentrated and can be diluted further than instructed. This results in a more cost effective product and less packaging is required.

  • Young Living’s essential oil infused products are multi purpose. If you were to run out of the dishwashing liquid for example, you could use the foaming hand-soap.