The 3rd most common cause of BLOATING

Let me show you what you can do about it!


In my last blog we discussed several causes of bloating and digestive discomfort. Now let's talk about the NEXT CAUSE of your bloating: The third most common cause of bloating that is also largely overlooked is sluggish gallbladder function.

Most women only think about their gallbladder when they have gallstones or when it is already too late and their gallbladder has to be removed in surgery... but gallbladder sludge also impacts digestion and causes bloating.

Women with a sluggish gallbladder get bloated after eating fats, sometimes two to three hours after eating. They may also have nausea, indigestion, and belching. These are the people who burp up fish oils.

Pain under the right rib cage, floating stools, and pale stools are other signs that your gallbladder is not that happy.

Maybe you are already subconsciously avoiding fatty or fried foods because you just don't feel so good when you eat them?

Reasons why your gallbladder is not working that well are metabolic syndrome, obesity, and a sedentary lifestyle. Women and certain ethnic groups are more prone to gallbladder issues. Your diet and lifestyle play a huge role here and you can totally be in control of your (gallbladder) destiny! ;-)

And your nutrition and lifestyle are 100% what we work on when you join my 90 day program. Supplements are great, but you need to build strong foundations so the supplements can do their work.

Bitter herbs like arugula, milk thistle, black cohosh can help your gallbladder.

Guess what: In my next blog I'll tell you A LOT MORE steps for better digestion and less bloating so don't you dare miss it!

xxx Aline


p.s. I work 1:1 with women who want to ditch bloating and have better poops.

My Gut Repair Method will take you on a 90-day journey towards ditching the bloat and fitting into your favourite jeans.

Interested in hearing more? Schedule your discovery call to find out more and tell me about your health issues!!!

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Health, from Cell to Soul.


Gut HealthAline McCarthy